Where is champion ?

Written on 10:29 pm by Vja Students

97 baseball teams participate in an annual state tournament. The champion is chosen for this tournament by the usual elimination scheme. That is, the 97 teams are divided into pairs, and the two teams of each pair play against each other. The loser of each pair is eliminated, and the remaining teams are paired up again, etc. How many games must be played to determine a champion?

Ans 96. All teams but the champion team will lose a game exactly once.

Know your family

Written on 10:13 pm by Vja Students

At a family reunion were the following people: one grandfather, one grandmother, two fathers, two mothers, four children, three grandchildren, one brother, two sisters, two sons, two daughters, one father-in-law, one mother-in-law, and one daughter-in-law. But not as many people attended as it sounds. How many were there, and who were they?

Ans There were two little girls and a boy, their parents, and their father's parents, totaling seven people.

Who won the prize

Written on 12:28 am by Vja Students

Isaac and Albert were excitedly describing the result of the Third Annual International Science Fair Extravaganza in Sweden. There were three contestants, Louis, Rene, and Johannes. Isaac reported that Louis won the fair, while Rene came in second. Albert, on the other hand, reported that Johannes won the fair, while Louis came in second.

In fact, neither Isaac nor Albert had given a correct report of the results of the science fair. Each of them had given one correct statement and one false statement. What was the actual placing of the three contestants?

Ans Johannes won,Rene came in second,Louis in Third


Written on 10:25 am by Vja Students

If A= 1999^1999
B = sum of digits of A
C = sum of digits of B
D = sum of digits of C
Find sum of digits of D.

For solution visit the blog tomorrow...................

On world