Freedom /Death
Written on 12:17 am by Vja Students
A prisoner was given a chance to be blindfolded and pick one ball from two bowls that would contain a total of 50 white and 50 black balls. Choosing white meant freedom, black meant death. He asked if he could divide the balls between the bowls before he was blindfolded and his request was granted. What is the best way to divide the balls between the bowls?
Solution::He asked that all the balls be put in one bowl except one white ball in the other. There was a 1/2 chance of getting the bowl with the white ball, and 100% chance of getting a white ball in that case. Even if he got the other one, he still had a 49/99 chance of life, which is nearly 1/2. Thus the total odds are about 1/2 (if right bowl) + 1/4 (half the time if wrong bowl) = 3/4.
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he will put 1 white ball in one and all the others in the other bowl