How can Both Lose
Written on 11:22 am by Vja Students
On his deathbed the Grand Vizier, who has two sons, announces that his entire fortune will go to the son whose horse loses a race in which the two of them must compete simultaneously. The sons, both keen horsemen, are accustomed to winning races but do not know how to lose them. Since in this case both are determined to lose, they do not see how such a race is possible, but a wise man explains how it can be managed. What simple method does he suggest?
Each son rides the other son's horse
Both of them are racing to 'lose' the race to win the inheritance. So, in effect the actual objective of the race was to reach the finishing line last. So, the one who reached the finishing line last 'wins' the race. So, in reality, what we normally call 'winning' a horse race, here, means losing the race and guarantees the victory over inheritance. So, actually the seer instructed both the sons to try to actually 'win' the race.
Sons have to exchange their horses before the race and then who ever wins the race will inherit the property!