
Written on 11:38 pm by Vja Students

You have 14 apples. Your Friend Marge takes away 3 and gives you 2. You drop 7 but pick up 4. Bret takes 4 and gives 5. You take one from Marge and give it to Bret in exchange for 3 more. You give those 3 to Marge and she gives you an apple and an orange. Frank comes and takes the apple Marge gave you and gives you a pear. You give the pear to Bret in exchange for an apple. Frank then takes an apple from Marge, gives it to Bret for an orange, gives you the orange for an apple. How many pears do you have?

Frank gave you a pear in exchange of the apple which Marge gave you. And you gave that pear to Bret in exchange for an apple. All the others exchanges involved apples and/or oranges.

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