Written on 10:19 pm by Vja Students
These guys range in age from 5 to 65 and rank from white to black belt. They all have a favorite martial artist and work a different weapon. They, also, each exhibit a specific talent commonly found in the animal kingdom. To assist in organizing your thoughts the five of them live in a row. Here are the facts.
1. The Bruce Lee fan is a red belt.
2. The person who trains with the dagger has the speed of a snake.
3. The child has a green belt.
4. The person who uses fighting fans lives in the house next to the person who has the balance of a
5. The white belt throws stars.
6. The mom idolizes Steven Segal.
7. The "Gracies" fan lives in the first house on the left
8. The green belt lives to the immediate right of the orange belt.
9. The person with the strength of a tiger watches a Chuck Norris sitcom.
10. The teenager lives in the middle house.
11. The person with the Jackie Chan movie collection swings nunchukkas.
12. The father carries a staff.
13. The person in the house next to the house where the person who has the grace of a gazelle lives, owns throwing stars.
14. The black belt lives next door to the "Gracies" fan.
Who has the heart of the dragon and, who's the grandpa?
Movie Collection has the heart of a dragon
The Grandpa throws stars!
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Grandpa has the heart of dragon.
Grandpa, who is fan of Gracies, throw stars and has white belt with heart of dragon.