
Written on 7:52 am by Vja Students

Four local teams decided to stage an all-play-all soccer tournament. They chose Green, Red, Blue, and Yellow as their colors. The losers were from Trivandrum and they had 3 players injured in the tournament, 1 fewer than the Green team, though the team from Kashmir had the most injured. The Red team's home ground was Darjeeling and their leading scorer was Dileep who was to become one of their team's 2 injuries. Neighboring teams Kashmir and Bangalore came second and third in the tournament respectively. Manikanth, leading scorer on the Blue team disliked both the Chennai and Bombay grounds where he had to play away fixtures. Karthik, Trivandrum's leading scorer was happiest on his home ground, Bombay. The Red team won.

For which team was Naim the leading scorer?

Ans: Naim was leading scorer for Bangalore, the Green team.

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