Man in the house

Written on 8:37 pm by Vja Students

A man lives in his house. He also works out of his house and his job is very important. Everyday the man must sleep with the lights on to avert from tragedy. One night the man gets so sick of the light he turns it out for the night. The next morning he reads the newspaper, takes out a gun, and shoots himself. Where did the man live?

Ans:A light house

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  1. Pawan Hegde |

    The man lives in his "house" :p look at the first line Mister.
    Now, the man probably is a Lighthouse keeper. So, although he lives in his house, he has to sleep in the lighthouse itself, with the lights obviously turned 'on'. That night, the tragedy occurred and a ship (or more) dashed against the shore because the lighthouse was switched "off". This was the reason why the man shot himself.

  2. Manish Gour |

    The man lives in his own house.


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