Written on 3:07 am by Vja Students
There are 3 colored boxes - Red, Green and Blue. Each box contains 2 envelopes. Each envelope contains money - two of them contain Rs. 25000 each, two of them contain Rs. 15000 each and remaining two contain Rs. 10000 each.
There is one statement written on the cover of each box.
* Red Box: Both, a red box and a blue box contain Rs. 10000 each.
* Green Box: Both, a green box and a red box contain Rs. 25000 each.
* Blue Box: Both, a blue box and a green box contain Rs. 15000 each.
Only one of the above 3 statements is true and the corresponding box contains the maximum amount.
Can you tell which box contains the maximum amount and how much?
Blue box contains the maximum amount Rs. 40000
Ans : Red BOX
Only one statement is true in above and corresponding box will have the maximum so the 2nd statement shows that Red and Green has 25000 envelop but Green has 15000 as well so sorry to Green. Now Red and Blue , Blue has 15000 but we have excluded Green by the statement so Blue can’t have 15000 , Now the Red is only one which has 25000 and 15000 envelop.
Ans: Blue Box
i) If red box is true than green will have 15k and 25k envelope..well and that makes green maximum..
so not possible
ii) Green Box: It will have 10k and 15k...well than 2 options remain...
a) Red 10 and 15 Gren...but then again green is max and red isalos true not possible..
b) 15k Red and 10 now Red gets maximum..not possible...
c) Blue Box: Red gets 10k and make blue will have 25k and green will have 10 k...over is maximum and satisfies all the conditions..
Blue Box is the right answer.
cond 1: false as sum of 4 envelop can't be 20000
cond 3: false as sum of 4 env can't be 30000
so cond 2 is true. now since acd to cond 2 , G+R = 25000 each only option is G=10000,15000 and R=10000,15000,
So the remaing 25000*2 are in B Box.
red box
to the owner of the blog
can u justify the answer with ur reason correctly