
Written on 10:54 pm by Vja Students

Chaitu lies a lot.He tells the truth on only one day in a week.
One day he said:"I lie on Mondays and Tuesdays."
The next day he said :"Today is either Sunday,Saturday or Thursday."
The next day he said :"I lie on Fridays and Wednesdays."
On which day of the week does Chaitu tell the truth?


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  1. Anonymous |

    He tells Truth only on Tuesday !!!

  2. Ashish Sheth |

    tuesday he is telling the truth.

    as he is telling truth only on one day in a week, from the first and third statement atleast one statement is false and other is true (if both are false) then he is not lying on monday, tuesday, friday and wednesday, which can't be the case). so he is telling truth either on monday or tuesday or wednesday or friday. Given the statements we can derive that on tuesday he tell the truth. and the last statement "I lie on friday and wednesday" is told on tuesday.


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